Category Archives: Conferences

METC Conference Early Bird Registration Ends Tomorrow- 12/7/16!

Be sure to take advantage of the Early Bird pricing by registering before December 7!

Registration Fee Table

Group Registration Discount: Save 10% by sending 5 or more educators. Those using the group discount must register all group members at the same time. Presenters are not eligible to be registered with the group discount code.

Use the discount code: 5PLUS

Digital Citizenship: It’s Common Sense

The CharacterPlus National Conference has added another full day pre-conference workshop on Tuesday, July 26!

P05: Digital Citizenship: It’s Common Sense

Full Day Workshop, 9:00 am – 3:30 pm

Presented by Tami Bopp, Director of CharacterPlus Programs and Stephanie Madlinger, Director of Educational Innovation/METC, EducationPlus

Workshop Grade Level: K-12

Do you know what type of digital footprint you are creating? Are your students aware of how their online actions affect themselves and others? We teach our children how to be good citizens and safe within the physical community, but what about norms for appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use? As educators, we must prepare students to live in a world without physical boundaries and help them learn how to work collaboratively with others, virtually or otherwise. During this full day workshop, we will explore the nine elements of Digital Citizenship: Access, Commerce, Communication, Literacy, Etiquette, Law, Rights & Responsibilities, Health & Wellness and Security, based on Mike Ribble’s book, Digital Citizenship in Schools. Come with your laptops and mobile devices, so we can practice safe, ethical behaviors together. Leave with ideas for Respecting, Educating, and Protecting yourself and others.

The resources will include Digital Citizenship in Schools, 3rd Ed. (each registrant receives a copy), Common Sense Media activities and lessons based on the ISTE standards.

ISTE Election Results


The results of the 2015 Board of Directors election are in, and ISTE is pleased to welcome new board member, Bill Bass, as well as two returning members, Dr. Mila Thomas Fuller and Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach. They will start their three-year terms Jan. 1.

Bill is the innovation coordinator for instructional technology and library media at Parkway School District in Chesterfield, Missouri. He’s also an adjunct professor of education at Missouri Baptist University.

Mila Thomas Fuller, Ed.D, Dr. Mila Fuller, deputy executive director of the National Council of Teachers of English, will be representing ISTE at METC 2016. She will also be presenting two sessions: Supporting Student Writers through the Use of Digital Organizers and Evaluating Digital Tools for Use in the Classroom.

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach is CEO of Powerful Learning Practice in Virginia Beach, Virginia. She has worked as a classroom teacher, technology coach, charter school principal, district administrator, university instructor and digital learning consultant.

Dr. Matt Harris will become the new chair and Dr. Kecia Ray will become past chair effective Jan. 1.

METC16: Transform your library!

Learn how two media specialists transformed libraries at their district into Learning Commons spaces starting with developing a five year plan. They will also help participants brainstorm ideas for their own libraries and how to transform them and how to promote them in new and innovative ways.

The Library Media Specialist: Lead, Motivate, Serve

Presenters: Andrea Head & Kelly Hauquitz, media specialists, Francis Howell School District, St. Charles, Missouri.

The preconference workshop will be on February 8, 2016, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm at the St. Charles Convention Center.

The presenters explained more about their workshop in the video they created below!


Kim Lindskog is in the METC Spotlight

Kimberly Lindskog
Follow Kim on Twitter at @klindskog

We’re excited to share our MIDWEST SPOTLIGHT EDUCATOR bios on The Connected Classroom! These K-12 educators demonstrate motivation, engagement, transformation and connection while using technology to improve teaching and learning. They will share their best practices at the MIDWEST EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY COMMUNITY CONFERENCE in February. This year, we have educators from across the state of Missouri presenting. The METC 2016 MIDWEST SPOTLIGHT EDUCATORS were selected by the METC Conference committee.

Kim Lindskog is a part of the Teaching, Learning and Accountability team as a Library Systems Support Specialist in the Parkway School District. She embraces her role in supporting librarians and sharing her knowledge with districts across the area by regularly presenting at conferences including ISTE, METC, M3, MASL and SLRLN. Kim’s focus is to help define what it means to be a digital age librarian, craft spaces that promote individual and community growth and create opportunities through transformative ideas that change the connection from the past to the future for library programs. Kim is able to work with both students and adults to make technology integration, reading and information literacy an authentic part of the classroom experience.